
Database System Design

Data Manipulation and Reporting

TBase provides consulting services that will eliminate many of the common errors associated with buying a product you know nothing about.

Will an off-the-shelf data management application satisfy your needs? TBase has that answer. TBase can quantify your data requirements. When you are making a software decision, our expertise will allow you to make that choice wisely.

We are proud that we are able to offer guidance, but more important when you require a system built-to-suit; TBase is the best.

The reason for our success is that WE LISTEN. When we design and develop a custom data management system we get input from everyone involved. We meet with management, the operation elements, and always the end user. Your system is built to suit the way YOU do business.

Information is dynamic in most organizations. A successful business has changing needs.

As your individual requirements evolve, TBase can create reports based on this new criteria.

TBase is proud of the Clients we have worked with over the last three decades. We believe that these entities reflect the quality of our service.
  • State of California
    Conservation & Liquidation Office
    San Francisco, CA
  • Fremont General Corporation
    Santa Monica, CA
  • USA Casualty
    Chino, CA
  • Safeco Insurance Company
    Redmond, WA
  • Intel Corporation
    Folsom, CA
  • DM King Communications
    Los Angeles, CA
  • Wizard Group
    Los Angeles, CA